You Marry What You Date©
I wrote this book with a focus on building the self esteem of women who have experienced pain and disappointment in relationships. It is challenging to recover from relationships gone bad with a determination of moving on. It is important to realize that we must first heal from one relationship before moving on to another one. This book is designed as an encouragement to women to first love and respect themselves before anyone else can love and respect them. Be honest with yourself and with God about where it hurts so that He can heal those broken places so that you can love again. This writing is a transparent account of some of my experiences so that others can identify and relate to the idea that we are not a mistake, we just sometimes make bad decisions. There are stories I thought that I would never reveal; however, if it prevents someone else from making the same mistake, I am good with that. I do not fear transparency. If others can walk with me through my experiences and as a result help them to make a different decision, it is worth sharing.
I wanted to tell you how much your book blessed my soul, it actually brought a peace to me ...each chapter just confirmed some things in me and it was so refreshing and freeing to me…seems there should be another book. Your book just brought together my thoughts and some of the things I have come to know and it actually gave me hope in my time now of preparation and waiting. I stayed so long in my second marriage because I just didn't want to be alone, I didn't want to admit I had messed up (again). I do deserve to be loved, respected and treated right. I do deserve a man that truly loves God and me and I know he exists somewhere out there. I have come to the conclusion that if I don't let God do this thing, I won't experience God's goodness.
I. Shields
You Marry What You Date introduces a powerful message that inspires all women to come out of denial and make amends with the fact that a conversation with God is needed before we consider who we date and who we marry. We still have a lot of learning and growing to do when it comes to dating and considering the right one for marriage. This book has inspired my husband and me to go down memory lane and considered what worked for us while we were dating, what didn't work, and what was missing before we got married. The title is fitting as we were challenged to consider our behaviors while we were dating and to make adjustments in our marriage that will lead to God's provision for fulfillment. --
D. Brown
This book was refreshing because it dispels the myth that women don't really struggle with sexual sin. Most impressive was the author's willingness to be transparent and share personal struggles and victories she encountered while trying to date and also be an anointed woman of God. Minister Chiles mixes humor, candor and compassion with scriptures to encourage single women who struggle with maintaining sexual integrity while waiting for God to send "Mr. Right". Especially enjoyable were the prayers written after each chapter. The delightful poems sprinkled throughout the book added a special touch and made the book unique. This book is a must read for any women who is determined to experience the joy of a relationship done God's way.
When my friend suggested this book to me I thought it was going to be a repeat of all the other relationship books I have read. Much to my surprise I found this book easy to read and straight to the point. The author really gives you something to think about if you want to stop repeating the same relationship mistakes. This book has helped me to realize what I have done wrong in past relationships and what I need to do to have a successful, lasting relationship in the future. Thanks for a well written book.